DEEP SPACE NINE: "For The Cause" - 03/07/96 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO She's a Federation citizen, Odo. You can't just invade her privacy based on your suspicions... you'd need to show me some real evidence before I'd authorize what you're proposing. EDDINGTON If she's really a Maquis, then she's no longer a Federation citizen. SISKO The answer is no. EDDINGTON Understood, sir. Eddington gives Odo a look -- best not to push Sisko on this. They turn to go, but then Sisko's conscience gets to him. SISKO Gentlemen... (they stop) Putting equipment in her quarters is one thing... but her ship is a different story. There are times when we have to search vessels docked at the station. If you can find a reason... Sisko trails off, and they take the hint. ODO We'll let you know. That said, Odo and Eddington EXIT, leaving a very troubled Sisko in the Wardroom. CUT TO: 5 CLOSE ON A PLAYER'S GLOVE As the glove SMACKS a springball directly at the camera. REVEAL: