106:[1,#b],114:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/16/96 ACT FIVE 55. 52 CONTINUED: SISKO You've got a good start on a novel here, Jake. (smiles) Your spelling's still terrible, but the dialogue is sharp, the story's involving, the characters are real... (a sly smile) I especially liked the father. JAKE Remind you of anyone? SISKO A bit. (proud of him) It's really good. But Jake is unable to take any pride in it. JAKE I know. I just wish I wrote it. SISKO You did. Jake lets out a worried breath... JAKE How can I be sure? I mean... without Onaya... SISKO Listen to me. You wrote these words, not her. JAKE But she got them out of me. SISKO (setting the pages aside) And that means they were somewhere inside you. Jake hears the conviction in his father's voice and can't help but be reassured by it. SISKO All you have to do is learn to find them for yourself. Jake nods, understanding the challenge before him. He looks over at the pages with a mixture of pride and trepidation.