DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/21/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 47A INT. AN ACCESS CONDUIT as Sisko and an N.D. BAJORAN DEPUTY make their way down it. Sisko has a PHASER strapped on and is scanning with a TRICORDER, the Deputy is carrying a PHASER RIFLE. SISKO I'm getting something... about twenty meters in this direction... He gestures toward the juncture where the tunnel wall meets the floor, to indicate a point below and off to one side. He works the tricorder to get a station schematic he can refer to. SISKO (gesturing down the tunnel) I'll go this way... you swing around and take Tunnel Sixty-one G... The Deputy nods and moves off... as Sisko heads the other way... 48 OMITTED 49 INT. CONDUIT JUNCTION (OPTICAL) where Onaya, kneeling behind Jake, is draining the last of his lifeforce from him -- the WISPS are coming less frequently now, and she has to massage his neck and head more to stimulate them. Jake's hand moves clumsily, he can barely hold the pen. He looks down at what he's just written, stops writing. When the ENERGY WISPS stop, she realizes and looks down at him. ONAYA (gently What's wrong? JAKE I can't... There's a note of desperation in his voice, as if he understands that this may be his last chance to get these words out of him... ONAYA Let me help you... She reaches and wraps her hand around his, guides it back to the paper...