DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/21/96 - ACT FOUR 39. 35 CONTINUED: QUARK (sotto) I don't believe it. How could Odo do this to me? It's so unfair. DAX (mischeivous) Is there something going on between you and Odo I don't know about? QUARK Don't be ridiculous. All I'm saying is that I could've arranged a beautiful reception if he'd given me enough notice. DAX (smiling) And enough latinum. QUARK If he thinks he's getting a wedding gift from me, he's got another thing coming... Jeyal approaches Odo... ODO I'm so glad you could make it. JEYAL I'm sure you are. It's not too late to call it off. (off Odo's look) Your dignity is important to you. I understand that. I wouldn't want anyone to see me go through a charade like this. Odo tries to muster up all the indignation he can. ODO If you don't mind... this is a very special moment for me... Jeyal smiles skeptically. Odo, turns away, moves back to stand near the pedestal. A moment later, Lwaxana ENTERS from the other room, wearing a Tavnian wedding gown. It's lush and flowing, and strikingly, the bride wears it barefoot. She's carrying a traditional Tavnian LIGHT BALL, and looks so lovely in its soft halo that all present fall silent. Lwaxana smiles at Odo, crosses to the pedestal, and he offers his hand and helps her step up onto it.