DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/20/96 - ACT TWO 26C. 24 CONTINUED: (3) ONAYA Revalus used to say a writer should put pen to paper as if he were a painter putting brush to canvas. It's part of what he called "visceral writing." JAKE (intrigued) What's that? ONAYA It's one of the techniques I told you about. JAKE Can you teach it to me? ONAYA (indicating the table) That's why you're here, isn't it? Jake scoots up to it, takes a few sheets of paper, and uncaps his pen. She kneels behind him, places her hands on his shoulders with such an easy manner that he hardly notices. ONAYA The opening line of your novel... write it down. She watches as he does it... ONAYA Now... (simply) Keep going. JAKE What do you mean, keep going? ONAYA Write whatever comes to you... the idea is to create a stream of consciousness and see where it takes you. You can edit later. She starts to massage his neck... ONAYA Just write the first thing that comes to mind... I won't look...