DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/16/96 - ACT TWO 26B. 24 CONTINUED: (2) ONAYA (a knowing smile) But I'll bet you know what the first line is. Jake can't believe it -- he does. JAKE How'd you know that? She shrugs an almost girlish smile. ONAYA I want to show you something. She takes a SMALL BOX off the table and hands it to him. He opens the box, and sees it contains a beautiful, old-style INK PEN. ONAYA Revalus used it when he wrote "The Wait." JAKE You knew him? ONAYA (smiling) I told you I have a weakness for artists... (beat) I want you to have it... JAKE (stunned) I don't know what to say... Thank you. ONAYA There's more... She shows him a stack of THIN WHITE PAPER -- in the dim light of the room it's strangely white, alluring. JAKE I've never worked on paper before.