DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/20/96 - ACT TWO 23. 20 CONTINUED: Something about how quickly she says this gets Odo's attention. He studies her for a beat, then orders from the replicator. ODO Gavaline tea... LWAXANA Hot. We hear the SOUND of the replicator working. LWAXANA (re: jungle gym) Is this for shape-shifting... ? ODO (surprised she knows) Yes, actually. Most people think it's a sculpture. LWAXANA Well, what do most people know? Odo hands her the CUP of tea. LWAXANA Thank you... She turns, heads for the door. Before she gets there, she turns back, wanting to say something. LWAXANA May I ask you something, Odo? (gently) Are you over her? Lwaxana sees Odo's guard go up. LWAXANA Don't worry, I'm not going to throw myself at you if you say yes. It's not easy for Odo to talk about his feelings, but Lwaxana knows his secret, so he answers. ODO Major Kira is involved with First Minister Shakaar now. LWAXANA How sad...