DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/20/96 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: (3) ODO I was about to suggest the very thing. I'll find out when the next transport leaves for Betazed. LWAXANA I couldn't possibly go there. That's the first place Jeyal will look for me. I know him. He won't give up until he finds me and gets his son back. She turns to Odo, looks at him with the utter conviction that he'll do the right thing. LWAXANA That's why I came to you. Because I knew you'd protect me. She looks at him with those big, dark eyes... the essence of vulnerability. LWAXANA You will protect me, won't you, Odo? Odo doesn't want to encourage her to stay on the station, and so he keeps his response business-like. ODO I'm chief of security on this station. It's my duty to protect everyone aboard. LWAXANA I knew I could count on you. (a beat) Then it's settled, I'll have the baby here. Odo's heart sinks... she's staying, and he's going to have to deal with her. ODO (giving up) I'll see that you're assigned quarters. LWAXANA Near yours? I really would feel safer knowing you're close. ODO I'll see what I can do. She moves to him, pulls him into a hug...