43:[3,#b],229:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Muse" - REV. 02/22/96 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: Jake starts describing some of the passersby who catch his eye: a short, blue BOLIAN walks arm-and-arm with a leggy Bajoran DABO GIRL; he's wearing fancy clothes and, oddly, he has hair. JAKE A Bolian tries to impress a dabo girl... by wearing a toupee... A Bajoran MONK ENTERS carrying a SATCHEL and is greeted by one of the FERENGI WAITERS that works at Quark's. JAKE A thief disguises himself as a Monk so he can swindle a Ferengi... Jake's eye is caught by a striking Alien Woman who stands framed in the airlock, strangely still, taking in her surroundings with a gaze that is at once bemused and world-weary. We will come to know her as ONAYA. Her features are vaguely feline, though you might have to look twice to see she wasn't human. Her skin is pale, her hair long and dark, like her dress, which is flowing and diaphanous. It's hard to guess her age, mid-thirties, maybe forties. JAKE A woman... traveling alone... she's come a long way... Jake stops talking when he sees her eyes find his... she's looking at him. Their eyes lock... 5 JAKE'S POV as the woman holds his gaze... until some other passengers block Jake's sightline for a moment. 6 RESUME SCENE When Jake can see again, the woman is gone. He cranes to find her again, looks this way and that, but she's nowhere to be found. Off his intrigued features...