122:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shattered Mirror" - REV. 2/15/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 92 CONTINUED: WORF And while you dispose of the Intendant, I'll dispose of the rebels. Garak is pleased by the Regent's decision. WORF (looking to Garak) Make it so. Worf glares with determination. 93 INT. TEROK NOR - PROMENADE as Sisko hurries toward the Infirmary. 94 INT. SURGERY Sisko ENTERS, but stops short, as he sees -- 95 SISKO'S POV Jennifer is lying on a surgical bed. Jake stands vigil next to her. JAKE Dad! (to Jennifer) See -- I told you he'd be here. SISKO How is she? Jake just shakes his head -- not wanting to voice his fears. Sisko approaches the bed. Jennifer is conscious, but very weak. Summoning her strength, she whispers: JENNIFER Ben... She holds out her hand. Sisko takes hold of her hand. She smiles and struggles to speak again. SISKO Easy. But Jennifer is determined to say something.