DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shattered Mirror" - REV. 2/15/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 71 CONTINUED: JAKE (urgently) She needs a doctor. KIRA I'm afraid it's too late... for both of you. She points the disruptor at Jake, point blank. But something troubles her, still aiming the weapon directly at Jake, she asks: KIRA Just out of curiosity, why was she protecting you? Jake, looking down at Jennifer. JAKE (more to Jennifer than to Kira) She's... my mother. KIRA (surprised) Your mother? (then, putting it all together) You're Sisko's son. From the other side. His silence confirms her suspicions. She lowers the gun. KIRA In that case, give your father a message for me. Tell him I spared your life... and that's a debt I intend to collect. And with that, she hurries down the corridor, leaving Jake to aid the gravely wounded Jennifer. 72 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. The ship continues to take a pounding. O'BRIEN (off his console) Shields down to forty percent. (then more bad news) That cruiser has us in weapons' range. Do we make a run for it?