DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shattered Mirror" - REV. 2/15/96 - ACT FIVE 50. 62 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Can't lose her. SISKO Hard to port. 63 thru OMITTED 64 65 EXT. SPACE - THE BATTLE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The Defiant turns to port, making a hard three hundred and sixty degree turn -- narrowly missing a station pylon -- and ending up directly behind the Bird of Prey. 66 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS SISKO Fire! 67 EXT. SPACE - THE BATTLE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The Defiant BLASTING the Bird of Prey into a million pieces. 68 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS O'Brien smiles at Sisko. O'BRIEN I'll have to remember that one. But their celebration is short-lived; the Defiant is ROCKED by a powerful phaser hit, causing even more damage. 69 INT. TEROK NOR - DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Jennifer and Jake are walking. Holding the disruptor to their backs, the Intendant follows. Periodically, the station SHAKES from the Alliance attack. KIRA I really must thank you, Jennifer. Not only will you guarantee my safe passage off the station, but you'll make a perfect gift for the Regent. JENNIFER You want me to go with you -- fine. But leave the boy here.