DEEP SPACE NINE: "Shattered Mirror" - REV. 2/15/96 - ACT TWO 23. 23 CONTINUED: ... the Regent is as wild and woolly a Klingon as we've ever encountered. Worf wraps the chain around his hand and yanks the chain taut, cutting off Garak's air supply. WORF So this is the p'tak who lost Terok Nor to the rebels. Garak struggles to speak, but can't get the words out until... WORF (with renewed fury) Are you calling me a liar? Garak shakes his head. Worf eases the reins allowing Garak to gasp some air. Garak immediately begins talking. GARAK I was merely observing that as one of the many officers under the Intendant's command, it would be an overstatement to imply that I, alone, was responsible for our defeat. WORF You're the only officer who managed to escape. GARAK I suppose I could've surrendered to the rebels. Groveling on the floor, begging for my life... like the Intendant. WORF You're just trying to shift blame away from yourself. GARAK Am I succeeding? But Worf has bigger things on his mind. WORF This time, I'll deal with the rebels myself. And you're going to be at my side, redeeming yourself in battle.