175:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 ACT FIVE 63. 99 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Now's the part where you tell me I have to start seeing Counselor Telnorri again. BASHIR Unless you want to talk to me. O'Brien smiles. Not likely. O'BRIEN Telnorri will be fine. They reach the door to O'Brien's quarters. O'Brien knows he's got a long road ahead of him, but thanks to Bashir and his family, he's taken the first step. O'BRIEN Thanks, Julian. For everything. Bashir smiles, glad to see O'Brien is starting to heal. BASHIR What are friends for? He EXITS as the door opens... 100 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS Molly sees O'Brien at the door and goes running to her father. MOLLY Daddy's home, Daddy's home. She hugs O'Brien around the legs. It's an awkward hug, but Molly doesn't feel that way. And after a beat neither does O'Brien. He bends down, embraces Molly, then looks up and sees Keiko standing back, smiling. O'BRIEN (to Keiko) That's right, Daddy's home. And off this tender moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END