46:[13,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 62. 96 OMITTED 97 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Ee'char looks at O'Brien for a beat, then smiles. He knows O'Brien's in good hands. EE'CHAR Be well, Miles. And with that, Ee'char turns and walks away. As he walks, he begins to fade from sight until he finally disappears. 98 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN As he reacts to Ee'char's EXIT. CUT TO: 98A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE Re-establishing. 99 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR O'Brien and Bashir are walking and talking. Bashir hands O'Brien a hypospray. BASHIR Thirty milligrams twice a day. Take it religiously for a month, and if everything goes well, we'll experiment with a lower dosage. O'BRIEN You sure this'll work? BASHIR It's a treatment, not a cure. It'll prevent the hallucinations and take the edge off the depression. But that's all it'll do. It won't take away the memories... or the feelings. O'BRIEN You mean the guilt. BASHIR That'll take time.