DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 92 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (in tears) Ee'char. O'Brien gathers the body up in his arms and holds him close and suddenly, we're back in... 93 INT. CARGO BAY As before. O'Brien's got the phaser aimed at his throat. Bashir looks at him, dumbfounded. BASHIR You killed him? O'Brien looks over at Ee'char. O'BRIEN (a confession to Ee'char) And the worst part of it was... the next day, the guards started feeding me again. I'd killed him for nothing... for a scrap of bread that he was going to share with me anyway. BASHIR It was a mistake. You didn't mean to do it. O'BRIEN No. I meant it. I wanted him to die. 94 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN who's in anguish. O'BRIEN I keep telling myself it doesn't matter. That it wasn't real. But that's a lie. If it'd been real... If it'd been you instead of Ee'char... it wouldn't have made any difference. He was my best friend. And I murdered him. (a beat) When we were growing up, they used to tell us that humanity had evolved.