DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 85 INT. ARGRATHI CELL-LATER The cell is dark and O'Brien is asleep. But the noise of movement in the cell awakens him. Trying not to move too much so it'll seem like he's still asleep, O'Brien glances around the cell. 86 NEW ANGLE - O'BRIEN'S POV Which reveals, Ee'char moving around on the other side of the cell. As O'Brien watches, Ee'char moves a rock from the wall, revealing a small cubbyhole (a different one than we've seen before). He reaches in and takes out a small bundle of food, then squats, his back to O'Brien, and places it on the ground in front of him. 87 CLOSE ON EE'CHAR'S FACE As he begins doing something with the food (we don't know what). Suddenly, O'Brien steps up behind him and gives him a double-fisted smash to the head. Ee'char spins and collapses against the wall. O'BRIEN I knew it. 88 NEW ANGLE O'Brien yanks Ee'char to his feet. O'BRIEN You pretended to be my friend and all this time, you've been holding out on me. EE'CHAR Now who's acting crazy? O'Brien goes to punch Ee'char again, but Ee'char recovers just in time and counterattacks. Ee'char connects with a punch that knocks O'Brien to the ground. O'Brien lunges at Ee'char. But Ee'char manages to fend him off and fling him into the wall, then kicks him hard and sends him to the ground. EE'CHAR After all I've done for you. You ungrateful... But O'Brien's not giving up, he digs his hand into a half-erased Eseeka...