DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 84 CONTINUED: (2) Ee'char thinks about O'Brien's question for a beat, trying to think of a way out. But in the end, he knows there isn't one. EE'CHAR Then we die. O'Brien knows Ee'char's right. There's nothing they can do. ARGRATHI COM VOICE All offenders prepare for dormancy period. Any offender still active during the dormancy period will be disciplined. Illumination will be suspended in twenty seconds. Ee'char slowly assumes the sleeping position. O'BRIEN What are you doing? EE'CHAR I'm going to sleep. O'Brien can't believe Ee'char would just go to sleep at a time like this. O'BRIEN (outraged) How can you sleep at a time like this? EE'CHAR (shrugs) Maybe I'll dream about food. O'Brien sits down with his back against the wall, realizing Ee'char isn't going to help him find an answer to their problem. O'BRIEN You're crazy. EE'CHAR No. Just hungry. ARGRATHI COM VOICE Dormancy period initiated. The lights go down. O'Brien sits there, watching Ee'char sleep. DISSOLVE TO: