109:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 56. 84 CONTINUED: He considers it for a beat, then angrily wipes it out. EE'CHAR (re: the mandala) Why did you stop? O'BRIEN It wasn't helping. EE'CHAR You have to concentrate more. O'BRIEN It doesn't matter how much I concentrate. I'm still starving. Ee'char seems to deflate a little. He's just as hungry as O'Brien. EE'CHAR So am I. They sit there for a beat, feeling sorry for themselves. O'BRIEN You're sure there's nothing left? EE I CHAR Not unless you've got a hiding place I don't know about. O'BRIEN We ate the last of the food I put away a week ago. Ee'char nods. He was afraid of that. O'Brien's angry. O'BRIEN We should've stockpiled more. We should've planned for this. Ee'char shakes his head. He knows getting angry won't do any good. EE'CHAR They've never let us go this long without food before. O'BRIEN What if they've forgotten about us... or just decided to finally let us die?