DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 82 CONTINUED: -- An older Ee'char pulling out a stash of food to share with the older O'Brien. -- The older Ee'char struggles against a guard, who restrains him as a second guard clubs the older O'Brien with his baton. -- Ee'char showing O'Brien how to eat a strange Argrathi fruit. -- O'Brien pacing around the cell and talking (M.O.S.) to Ee'char. CUT TO: 83 INT. CARGO BAY Close on O'Brien as he reacts to the rush of memories. O'BRIEN He was my cellmate. Bashir reacts in surprise. BASHIR You told me you were alone in that cell. Twenty years with no one to talk to. O'Brien knows he can't lie anymore. O'BRIEN Only at the end. A week, maybe two. But the rest of the time... there was Ee'char. BASHIR What happened to him? O'Brien looks to Ee'char, who waits expectantly for the answer. CUT TO: 84 INT. ARGRATHI CELL Ee'char watches as O'Brien draws an Eseeka. O'Brien's gotten pretty good at it. It's been twenty years since O'Brien's imprisonment, and both men look gaunt and worn down. O'Brien adds another line to the mandala, which is almost finished.