DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 58 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN Yes, sir. Sisko looks at O'Brien with concern. He's been much rougher on the Chief than held wanted to be, but O'Brien left him with no other options. SISKO Dismissed. 59 INT. OPS O'Brien ENTERS Ops. DAX, who knows more or less what's just happened, turns her station over to an N.D. and intercepts O'Brien. DAX Chief, I was just about to head down to the Replimat and I was wondering... O'Brien knows Dax is trying to make an excuse to talk to him, but right now, that's the last thing he wants. O'BRIEN (cuts her off) Not right now, commander. O'Brien walks right by her and EXITS into the turbolift. 60 INT. TURBOLIFT As he ENTERS, he yanks off his combadge and flings it into the wall of the lift. O'BRIEN (to com) Promenade. 61 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is at work, scanning some test samples. O'Brien comes storming in. O'BRIEN What the hell did you say to him? Bashir looks up at O'Brien, disappointed, but not surprised to be having this confrontation.