DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 58 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO (Cont'd) I want you to report to Counselor Telnorri and begin attending daily counseling session for as long as he thinks it's advisable. O'Brien can't believe what he's hearing. He expected Sisko to be an ally. O'BRIEN You're blowing this all out of proportion. Sisko can see that this is killing O'Brien, but his main concern is making sure O'Brien gets help. SISKO You know that's not true. You're not yourself, Chief. what happened on Argratha affected you a lot more than you're willing to admit. And it's not going to get better overnight, no matter how much you want it to. You need help. O'Brien realizes he's skating on thin ice. He makes one last attempt to talk himself out of trouble. O'BRIEN Captain, please. I'm asking you, as a personal favor to me... give me one more chance. SISKO I wish I could. (no nonsense) But right now, in the judgement of this station's chief medical officer, you're unfit for duty. Which means you're on medical leave, effective immediately. And if you don't begin attending counseling sessions on a regular basis, and cooperating in every other way with your physician, I will have no choice but to have you confined to the infirmary. Is that clear? O'Brien realizes that any more argument would only get him even deeper in trouble.