DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT THREE 37. 48 CONTINUED: ODO (trying to be friendly) Chief. How are you doing? O'BRIEN (angry) I wish people would stop asking me that. O'Brien immediately realizes he's been too harsh with Odo and tamps down on his anger. O'BRIEN I'm sorry, Constable. Everything's fine. I've just... had a tough day. O'Brien EXITS, headed for Quark's. Odo watches him go, not at all mollified by O'Brien's explanation. 49 INT. QUARK'S The bar's busy. QUARK is working as quickly as possible to keep up with demand. He places a pair of drinks on a waiter's tray, then makes eye contact with an impatient patron at the end of the bar. QUARK That was a black hole straight up, right? The patron nods and Quark begins mixing his drink. O'BRIEN (O.S.) A synthale please. Quark glances up and sees O'Brien standing over him, but doesn't stop mixing the black hole. QUARK Be right with you, Chief. Quark moves off to get an ingredient for the black hole. 50 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN He tries to wait patiently, but Quark's seemingly oblivious to his needs and continues mixing drinks for other patrons. After a couple beats of this... O'BRIEN Quark. What about that synthale?