DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT THREE 34. 45 NEW ANGLE To include O'Brien, pacing around the cell. Almost ten years have passed since O'Brien's incarceration and both Ee'char and O'Brien are showing signs of age. O'Brien's agitated and clearly looking for fight. EE'CHAR (still drawing) Tell me about Keiko again. About how much you like her eyes. O'BRIEN I've told you about her a hundred times. What more is there to say? EE'CHAR I like hearing about her. If I had a beautiful wife to talk about, believe me, I would. Besides talking about her always relaxes you. And your pacing is getting a little distracting. O'BRIEN Well your drawing is bothering me. EE'CHAR Since when? O'BRIEN Since right now. And with that, O'Brien kicks the drawing, spraying sand over and completely obliterating it. EE'CHAR You didn't need to do that.