DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT THREE 26. 36A NEW ANGLE O'Brien catches a glimpse of Ee'char walking through the crowd on the Promenade. For a second Ee'char looks at him and their eyes lock. O'BRIEN (to Worf) Excuse me. O'Brien EXITS into... 36B INT. PROMENADE O'Brien looks around for Ee'char, but he's gone. O'Brien's clearly unnerved by his cellmate's appearance. 36C NEW ANGLE To include Worf, who's followed O'Brien onto the Promenade. WORF Is everything all right? O'Brien quickly covers. O'BRIEN It's fine. I just thought I saw someone I used to know. Hold on O'Brien for a beat, then... CUT TO: 36D EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing.