153:[8,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT TWO 15. 22 INT. INFIRMARY O'Brien's on the bio-bed, having just finished being examined. He's flexing his right arm, trying to get used to the idea that it's not broken anymore. He's lost motor control of the arm and has to use his left arm to move it around. As he's working on his arm, he walks over to a replicator to get something to eat. O'BRIEN (trying to remember how to do this) Computer, a piece of chee'lash fruit please. But nothing comes out of the replicator. COMPUTER VOICE Requested item is not on record. Please provide specifications. O'Brien tries to come up with a description of chee'lash fruit, for a beat, then gives up. O'BRIEN I don't have the specifications. (a beat) Cancel the request. KEIKO (O.S.) Miles? 23 NEW ANGLE O'Brien turns and just for a moment he sees Ee'char standing in the doorway with Bashir instead of Keiko. CLOSE ON O'Brien who's confused and a little fearful. BASHIR I'll leave you two alone. 23A NEW ANGLE O'Brien can now see Keiko and Bashir. Bashir having escorted Keiko in, EXITS. Keiko looks at O'Brien, tears welling up in her eyes. KEIKO Oh, Miles. They embrace. For a second, O'Brien holds her close, completely caught up in the moment. He never thought held see Keiko again and loves her dearly.