DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT ONE 12. 17 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR (sympathetic) I can't imagine what it must've been like. Twenty years in that cell. O'BRIEN It was bad. BASHIR In all that time, were you able to talk to anyone? See anyone? O'Brien shakes his head. The memory obviously pains him. O'BRIEN I was alone. And as soon as O'Brien utters these words we... CUT TO: 18 INT. ARGRATHI CELL - FLASHBACK (OPTICAL) O'Brien, still young and in a clean uniform, is flung into the rough stone cell by an Argrathi Guard. He's been starved, beaten and abused during his interrogation and looks terrible. O'Brien collapses to the floor as the cell door is closed and sealed with a forcefield. 19 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN As O'Brien lays there, semiconscious and in tremendous pain, a hand reaches out and squeezes juice from an alien-looking piece of fruit onto O'Brien's lips. O'Brien reflexively drinks the juice and slowly comes around. He looks up to find out where the juice is coming from, and pries his eyes open to see... 20 NEW ANGLE - O'BRIEN'S POV (OPTICAL) Which is blurry and obscure at first but slowly comes into focus. O'Brien is looking up at the face of an Argrathi prisoner, about the same age as O'Brien, but lean and grizzled from years of confinement. This is EE'CHAR. He's been imprisoned for a long time, and knows what O'Brien's going through.