90:[15,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I forgot how beautiful it was. Kira nods in agreement. She stands there quietly and lets O'Brien absorb the view for a beat, then... KIRA Come on. Let's get you home. O'Brien nods, never taking his eyes of the station. 14 OMITTED 15 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR O'Brien and Kira ENTER the airlock corridor from the runabout. 16 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN As he takes in the station, looking at it like a long- lost friend. O'Brien runs his hand over the bulkhead, as if checking to make sure it's real. Half of him expects the whole place to vanish at any minute. BASHIR (O.S.) Chief? O'Brien looks up and sees... 17 NEW ANGLE BASHIR, standing at the end of the airlock, waiting for him.