172:[7,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: - "Hard Time" - REV. 2/05/96 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: RINN No matter. (a beat) Your correction is completed. You are free. O'Brien reacts with surprise and disbelief. O'BRIEN Free? RINN The crime of espionage requires a minimum of fifteen cycles of correction. You've been here for twenty. It's time for you to go. The older O'Brien makes no move to exit his cell. He looks haunted, a shadow of the man he once was. O'BRIEN But I can't leave. Where would I go? RINN That's not my concern. Rinn gestures to the guard, who steps toward O'Brien. 5 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The guard shoves his baton into O'Brien's gut and it discharges like a high-tech cattle prod. O'Brien collapses to the ground. RINN Remove him. The guard yanks O'Brien to his feet and shoves him out the doorway and into the blue light, and suddenly we... CUT TO: 6 O'BRIEN'S FACE As he opens his eyes and shouts in horror as if awaking from a nightmare. O'Brien is now completely normal in appearance, no longer twenty years older like the O'Brien we've just seen. But all is not well. We... PULL BACK TO REVEAL: