DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 65 CONTINUED: (3) CH'POK Children... SISKO (nods) Children. We've done some checking into their backgrounds, and in our opinion they appear to be a random group of people who shared only one thing in common: they all decided to travel on the same ship. Is that your conclusion as well? CH'POK Yes. SISKO And it was just... fate that led these particular people to board a doomed ship? CH'POK Fate is a human concept. They simply boarded the wrong ship at the wrong time. SISKO And then they did it again. CH'POK I... don't understand what you're- SISKO Three months ago a Klingon transport ship crashed in the mountains of Galorda Prime. Of course, everyone assumed the worst -- that the passengers and crew had all been killed. But then, miraculously... everyone survived. Do you know anyone who was on that ship? CH'POK No...