51:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 62 CONTINUED: (4) CH'POK Are you telling me that you would never attack a defenseless opponent? WORF No. I would not. Ch'pok looks at him, a little puzzled. CH'POK Maybe I've been wrong about you. Maybe you aren't Klingon in your heart. A true Klingon would rejoice at the death of his enemies. Armed, unarmed, old, young. All that matters is the victory. (beat) Worf... did you weep for those children? WORF I... grieve for them. CH'POK Grieve? A Klingon doesn't grieve. They died in a glorious battle! They're with the honored dead in Sto-Vokor! They don't want your grief. You dishonor their memory! SISKO Objection! T'LARA (a warning) Advocate... But neither Ch'Pok nor Worf pays attention to Sisko or T'Lara. They've locked eyes -- passion rising in each of them. Two men on a collision course and nothing can stop them. WORF You will say anything... you have no honor! CH'POK I say this: You live with humans because you're afraid to live with Klingons.