102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT FOUR 44. 62 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko returns to his seat. Ch'Pok stands and takes a few steps around the room. CH'POK Worf... why are you considered an outcast among the Klingons? WORF I sided with the Federation during the invasion of Cardassia. For that, Chancellor Gowron stripped me of my honor and my family name. CH'POK So you acted out of conscience, and you were punished for it. How do you feel about that? Are you angry... bitter? Worf thinks about this, trying to choose his words carefully. WORF I am angry about the treatment I received. It was unjust. CH'POK Of course you are. Who wouldn't be? What happened affected your whole family... the entire House of Mogh was brought down. Your brother ejected from the High Council in disgrace... your lands seized... and now your son Alexander will bear the stigma of being the son of a traitor. (beat) Did I miss anything? WORF No. CH'POK Worf... in your opinion... what do they think of you in the Empire? WORF I am... hated.