DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT THREE 39. 57 CONTINUED: O'Brien doesn't want to do this, but he has to give an honest answer no matter what the consequences for Worf. O'BRIEN No. A quiet moment as this falls in the courtroom. O'BRIEN But that's just my opinion now, after the fact. I wasn't in command that day. Things look a lot different when you're sitting in that chair. CH'POK (looking at Worf) I'm sure they do. CUT TO: 58 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE As before. 59 INT. REPLIMAT Sisko sitting at a table, having coffee. Ch'Pok approaches him. CH'POK May I join you? Sisko indicates the chair and Ch'Pok sits down. CH'POK I understand you're going to put Worf on the stand this afternoon. SISKO That's right. CH'POK May I make a suggestion? (off his look) Concede. Let me take Worf back to the Empire and I'll make sure he's not put to death. I'll even defend him myself.