DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT TWO 25. 40A INT. WARDROOM Quark sitting on the stand as Ch'Pok questions him. CH'POK (firm) Can we return to the matter at hand, please? QUARK Oh, right. Well, as I said, I was cleaning up... and I saw Mister Worf come in. 40B INT. QUARK'S As Worf ENTERS the bar. CH'POK'S VOICE Was there anything unusual about that? QUARK No, he comes in all the time. But he was in a good mood... CH'POK'S VOICE And that's unusual? 41 INT. WARDROOM As before. QUARK (trying to be light) Well, he's a Klingon, and you people are rarely in what I would call good moods. (catching himself) Not that you're anything but a pleasant, charming race. Some of my best friends are Klingons. CH'POK I'm sure they are. Let's go back to Mister Worf. Describe what happened next... QUARK He came in, he ordered a drink... prune juice, I believe, and we started to talk.