C>DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - ACT TWO 21-22. 31 CONTINUED: Sisko hands him a PADD. SISKO (continuing) There will be seven convoys heading for Pentath Three in the next week, each of them protected by a Federation starship. The Defiant has been assigned to escort convoy number six. And I've chosen you to be in command. CH'POK'S VOICE Why did you select Worf for this mission? Sisko studies Worf for a moment. SISKO I felt he was an experienced officer who was ready to begin taking on greater responsibilities. He had a distinguished record and he obviously understood the Klingons. 32 INT. WARDROOM As before. Ch'Pok questioning Sisko. CH'POK Weren't you a little worried that Worf, a famed Klingon Warrior, might jump at any chance for battle and forget about the plague victims? SISKO If I did, I wouldn't have given him the assignment. CH'POK And you feel that you made your instructions perfectly clear? That Commander Worf knew he was on a humanitarian relief mission... that he was not being sent out to seek combat?