128:[1,#b],163:[1,#b],176:[1,#b],214:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " REV. 1/26/96 - ACT ONE 24 CONTINUED: CH'POK I have studied Commander Worf's report, along with the Defiant's sensor logs, and the reports of the other officers on the bridge. (beat) And I believe every word of it. It is a point of pride for the Federation that Starfleet officers never lie or commit fraud. So I will accept the facts of this case as they have been submitted. T'Lara raises an eyebrow in surprise. Worf and Sisko exchange a look. SISKO Admiral, if there are no facts in dispute, then this hearing would appear to be at an end. CH'POK We Klingons, are not concerned with matters of fact and circumstance... what matters to us is what was in Worf's heart when he gave the order to fire. Was he just a Starfleet officer doing his duty? Or was he a Klingon warrior reveling in the battle? (beat) That is why I am here. Because if he was a Klingon lost in the bloodlust of combat, then only we can judge him... not you. SISKO We can't put a man's heart on trial. It's a subjective issue that cannot be reasoned in a court of law. I ask that the advocate be limited to arguing the evidence in this case. CH'POK Someone told me that this was a search for the truth. Should we not follow that search wherever it takes us?