DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " REV. 1/26/96 - ACT ONE 7. 21 CONTINUED: (2) The Admiral reaches for the hammer to ring the bell. Sisko speaks up: SISKO Admiral, I request that Commander Worf be released from the holding cell for the duration of this hearing. I don't believe there's any danger that he'll flee the station. T'LARA (to Ch,Pok) Is there an objection? Ch'pok considers. CH'POK Captain Sisko is an honorable man. I will accept his word. (beat) However, I would ask that Mister Worf not be allowed to wear his family baldric until this hearing is over. He is dishonored among our people, and I am... offended by the sight of him wearing Klingon emblems. Worf bristles visibly. Sisko leans over. SISKO (sotto, a caution) You want to stay in the holding cell? Worf finally relents, takes off his sash and lays it on the table. Ch'Pok takes that victory with aplomb -- no smile, just calm acceptance. T'LARA Very well. We will resume tomorrow.