102:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rules of... " - REV. 1/26/96 - TEASER 3. 15 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Worf's bat'leth and the bat'leth of his opponent smash into each other with a CLANG... 16 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Worf is suddenly standing in the same position on the Bridge, but now is standing over the body of a DEAD Klingon child who he's just killed. Worf looks at him in shock... FLASH CUT: 17 INT. WARDROOM Worf standing in dress uniform... 18 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE The smoke on the Bridge is BLOWN AWAY and Worf sees dead Klingon children everywhere on the Bridge. He silently screams in horror... SHOCK CUT TO: 19 WORF As he wakes up with a SCREAM. REVEAL: 20 INT. HOLDING CELL Worf sitting up on the bunk, just awakened from his nightmare. He's wearing his black t-shirt and pants. His dress uniform hangs nearby. Worf sits there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, when ODO steps to the doorway and looks in. ODO Are you all right? Worf swings his legs off the bunk and sits there for a moment. WORF What time is it?