DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT FIVE 52. 42 CONTINUED: QUARK Don't you get it? This was a message... for you. ROM It's not going to work. QUARK I wish Brunt had known that. ROM Odo has him and the Nausicaans in a holding cell. He says it's an open and shut case. QUARK It's an open and shut case all right... but I'm not going to press charges. This throws Rom off. ROM You're not? QUARK I'm in enough trouble with the F.C.A. as it is. ROM But then Odo'll have to let them go. QUARK Either way, the F.C.A. will just send another Liquidator. And the next one'll make an example of you. ROM (sober) Then you'll be the one gloating. The thought doesn't seem to bring any joy to Quark. QUARK I don't want to gloat. I want to end the strike. ROM So give us what we want.