DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 41 CONTINUED: BRUNT "Time, like latinum, is a highly limited commodity." QUARK Look, you're here to help me, right? Brunt smiles wickedly. BRUNT Wrong. I'm here to enforce Ferengi law, and protect Ferengi traditions. And that means ending this strike. (thinks it over) I can see we're going to have to make an example of someone. Quark looks worried. He didn't want any violence. QUARK What kind of example? Brunt looks over at the Nausicaans. BRUNT Oh, I'm sure we'll come up with something that'll get people's attention. QUARK I don't want my brother hurt. BRUNT I wasn't thinking of him. Attack the leader of a movement, and you risk creating a martyr. No, Rom must not be touched. Our target has to be someone unexpected, someone he cares about. (smiles) Like that dabo girl... QUARK You mean Leeta? She's not even Ferengi. BRUNT I know. That's what would make it so memorable. But she has such... (dreamy) Delicate lobes. I'm afraid I couldn't bring myself to give the order.