DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT THREE 34. 26 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Uh... Captain. (once he's got Sisko's attention) Can we leave now? Sisko thinks about it for a beat, then... SISKO I'll tell Constable Odo to let you go... in the morning. And with that, Sisko EXITS, leaving Worf, O'Brien and BASHIR together in the holding cell. BASHIR I hope you're proud of yourselves. Worf and O'Brien look properly chagrinned. 27 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Quark and Sisko are in mid-conversation. Quark is on his best behavior. QUARK Captain, believe me... I want this strike settled as much as you do. SISKO Then settle it. QUARK It's not that simple. SISKO Make it simple. Sit down with your brother and hammer out an agreement. Today. QUARK Captain, I'm afraid you don't understand what a delicate situation this is. Even talking with strikers would be a violation of the most sacred precepts of Ferengi culture. SISKO Maybe I don't know much about Ferengi culture... but I do know who holds the lease on your bar. Quark doesn't like the sound of that.