DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " -1/08/96 - ACT THREE 32. 24 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien's not about to let a fellow Starfleet officer turn strikebreaker. He's already on the move. Bashir follows. BASHIR Where are you going? O'BRIEN To talk some sense into him. (calling out) Commander. Hold on. O'Brien and Bashir pursue Worf into Quark's and we... CUT TO: 25 INT. SECURITY - HOLDING AREA SISKO stands in the center of the holding area, looking into a cell. He doesn't know whether to be angry or amused. SISKO I don't believe what I'm seeing. 26 NEW ANGLE To include Bashir, O'Brien and Worf standing shoulder to shoulder in one of the holding cells, looking incredibly ashamed of themselves. Bashir has a cut on his forehead. WORF Sir, if I could explain... SISKO Mister Worf, do I look like I'm ready for an explanation? (exasperated) Three of my senior staff, brawling on the Promenade. O'BRIEN With all due respect, sir. We weren't brawling. SISKO Maybe you should take a closer look at Doctor Bashir's forehead. O'Brien glances back at Bashir.