DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT THREE 30. 23 CONTINUED: ODO I don't like to admit this... but I agree with you. From what Chief O'Brien's told me about strikes, they sound like trouble. I don't like mobs. In my opinion, if you need one to get what you want, it's not worth getting. This is the first good news Quark has had in a while. He thinks he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. QUARK Good, then you'll haul them away. ODO I'll do nothing of the sort. QUARK (crestfallen) But you said... ODO I know what I said. But I have strict orders from Captain Sisko not to "impinge" on your employees' "freedom of expression." As long as they stay peaceful and allow your customers access through the second level entrance, I'm not allowed to interfere. QUARK In that case, would you mind serving some drinks? Quark holds out the tray to Odo; Odo just turns and walks away. QUARK I didn't think so. We hold on Quark as the sound of another tray crashing to the ground off screen echoes through the bar. He flinches. 24 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Bashir and O'Brien are across the bridge from Quark's watching people as they walk by Quark's second level entrance. Two Starfleet officers, obviously a couple, walk together down the Second Level.