134:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 1/08/96 - ACT TWO 26. 20 CONTINUED: QUARK If this is a surprise birthday party, you're a month late. ROM It's not a party. Rom holds out a PADD. ROM We're the Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees and we're here to present our demands. Quark looks surprised. QUARK The Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees? What's that supposed to be? ROM What does it sound like? QUARK It's sounds like a... a... (disgusted) A Union. ROM Exactly. So you'd better take our demands seriously. Quark snatches the list from Rom's hand and reads it. QUARK Increased pay? Shorter hours? Paid sick leave? Quark can't help it. He bursts into laughter. ROM This is no joke. QUARK Yes, it is. And the fact that you don't know that is what makes it so funny. (to all) Now get back to work before I fire the whole lot of you. Rom clenches his jaw. He's not about to back down. ROM You can't fire us.