15:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Bar... " - 11 - 1/08/96 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is treating Rom's infected ear with a high-tech medical instrument. Rom is still hurting but not as bad as he was before. BASHIR This is one stubborn infection. How long have you had it? ROM (guessing) A couple of weeks. BASHIR (outraged) You mean to tell me that you've been walking around with a seeping infection of the tympanic membrane for two weeks? Rom thinks it over. ROM More like three, actually. BASHIR Rom, you could have died. Another forty-eight hours and you'd've been bidding for a new life in the Divine Treasury. ROM I guess it's a good thing I fainted when I did. BASHIR Why didn't you come to see me sooner? ROM I couldn't. I was busy. BASHIR I'm sure your brother could've spared you for half an hour.