DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 45 CONTINUED: Worf looks down at his brother's face for a moment. WORF What will he remember? BASHIR He'll know he's a Klingon... how to speak the language... virtually everything he needs to know in order to survive except... who he is. (beat) And that will be his first question: who am I? Do you have an answer? WORF There is a man named Noggra... a friend of our father. He will be here in a few hours. He has agreed to provide Kurn with a new identity... and a new family... Noggra will supply all the answers Kurn needs. Bashir nods. Worf seems prepared, but Bashir still hesitates. BASHIR Are you absolutely certain about this, Worf? Once I erase his memory engrams, it'll be almost impossible to restore them. He'll never remember you or anything about his real life. WORF It is the only way. You may begin. Worf and Dax EXIT. Bashir turns to the nurse. BASHIR Prep him for surgery. CUT TO: 46 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing.