DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 40 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) At impulse. 41 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Kira in command, O'Brien at tactical, N.D.s at their stations. O'BRIEN (off monitor) We're ready, Major. KIRA Open a channel. O'Brien works. KIRA (to com) This is the USS Defiant to all Klingon vessels near the Bajoran system. We are preparing to destroy your minefield. I suggest you leave immediately. This is your only warning. Kira nods to O'Brien, who cuts off the transmission. KIRA Anything? O'Brien works for a moment. O'BRIEN Nothing. If they're out there, they're keeping quiet. KIRA Oh, they're out there. And I think we'll see them fairly soon. (beat) Prepare to detonate the mine in grid twenty-one alpha. O'Brien works.