DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT FIVE 45. 39 INT. WARDROOM The wall monitor has a large SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM of the KLINGON MINEFIELD surrounding the Bajoran system. Sisko, Kira, Dax and O'Brien are sitting at the table, looking at the diagram. Worf is standing next to the wall monitor -- he's just finished his briefing. WORF ... since we now have the detonation codes for each mine, we can set them off individually or all at once. SISKO Thank you, Commander. (to Kira) Major? KIRA We'll take care of it. She looks at O'Brien and the two of them EXIT together. Worf turns off the wall monitor. SISKO Congratulations, Mister Worf. You did an excellent job. That goes for your brother, too. WORF Thank you, sir. Sisko EXITS, leaving Dax and Worf alone. DAX You don't seem very pleased. WORF I am still troubled by the... death of the Klingon officer. DAX Your report said it was self- defense. WORF That's not the point. I should have seen what he was going to do. DAX What do you mean? From the way you described it, you were standing so close to him you couldn't have seen the knife in his hand.