14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 38 INT. KLINGON COMPUTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Continuous from Act Four. Worf and Kurn being confronted by the Klingon Officer. Worf and Kurn both look irritated, both trying to bluff their way out of the situation. KURN We are running a diagnostic on the computer core. There have been power fluctuations in the navigational control system. KLINGON OFFICER I have not been informed of any computer problems. WORF Perhaps you have not been tending to your duties. KLINGON OFFICER I do not know you. What is your name? Worf stands, moves to him, the two men toe-to-toe. Kurn watches carefully from behind Worf. WORF I am Commander Sorval... son of M'tokra. KLINGON OFFICER How long have you been aboard... commander? Worf explodes in anger. WORF I will not be questioned by a Lieutenant who should be cleaning my quarters. Leave us or I will have you stripped of your rank and sent home on a transport! The Klingon officer narrows his eyes at Worf's anger, but he appears to back down. KLINGON OFFICER My words were ill-chosen, commander.