51:[1,#b],118:[1,#b],129:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT FOUR 38A. 32A INT. WORF'S QUARTERS Kurn (in his Klingon civies) looks outraged. Worf has just presented him with his plan. KURN You want me to... turn against my own people? Will my dishonor never end? WORF It is their actions that are dishonorable, Kurn. Secretly mining star systems is not the act of warriors -- they are behaving like Romulan cowards. KURN Is that how you rationalize this? By calling your people cowards so you can be a hero? WORF I am no hero. But it is my duty to defend the Federation -- that is where my honor lies. KURN Maybe it is where your honor lies. But why should I betray our people for your honor? The situation with Kurn is getting more and more difficult for Worf. He struggles to keep a grip on his temper and takes a moment to clear his thoughts. WORF Kurn... let me ask you this: do you agree with what has happened between the Empire and the Federation? KURN It is not my place to criticize the decisions of-- WORF Answer the question! Kurn is stung -- he's not used to hearing that tone of voice from his brother. But he backs off and then answers the question. KURN I... opposed the decision to break the treaty. But I was overruled in Council.